Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Obligatory Food Tour

Hey guys. Something awesome is currently in the works, so you're gonna have to put up with this post while I make it :)

SO! let’s talk about some awesome food I’ve had while here.

•Cheese burgers with goat chedder cheese. They are amazing and lovingly made by Juan with our own (CCF) cows and cheese. The buns are also delicious and hand made. MANY vegetarians fall off the veggie wagon for a night JUST to taste these. They are that good.

•I have discovered a type of cookie called chockits… or something. They are biscuit and cream and coconut and they are ADDICTIVE. D: I have ordered them twice on Tuesday town runs. They are amazing and I WILL find them when I come back to the states. Somehow.

•Hard boiled eggs covered in curry. Sounds gross, right? But we had them this morning and they were BRILLIANT. One of the guys on the international course from India made them. I will miss him now whereas I didn’t even really care this morning.

•Game pie. It’s like chicken pot pie or shepherds pie but with wild game instead. (steenbok or oryx, etc) It is SO delicious. The crust is just so flaky and the meat is so fresh and tender. In fact, ALL of the meat here is delicious. We had beef steaks last night that I practically drooled all over. We also had spit roasted warthog that was DELICIOUS. I swear, Juan should be the CCF CHEF not the tourism guy. Everything he cooks is DELICIOUS.


•There was this Pizza in Windhoek that was more like European (eg French) pizza than American. Thin crust, fresh ingredients, etc. DELICIOUS.

•The bread here is delicious, handmade, with bits of corn, and will make me SO fat. I cannot get enough of it! There was also this bread that Juan made in a pot of soup somehow that SHOULD have been soggy but somehow wasn't! I want the recipe SO bad, but he is notorious for being secretive. All the food here is so good!

•Mac and Cheese. Fresh made. From scratch. It was the best thing ever and I convinced the server (we get served portions because there are so many ppl here right now) to give me seconds AND THEN I begged thirds from the kitchen a couple hours later. IT. WAS. HEAVEN.

•Currently drinking scrumptious guava juice that I nicked from the kitchens. LOVE IT!

Okay guys. One more thing. I was on cub care yesterday with the four ambassador cubs and they were SO CUTE! When eating, THEY ignore everything around them so you can pet them all you want! You can even play with their tails or ruffle their ears and they don't care. It was awesome!



  1. And you don't even like beef, lol! I do understand, though. That best burger I ever had in my life from Lava Rock Cafe in Hawaii... they used the local beef which was fabulous. *drool* I promise I will update you on my exciting life sometime today on my blog. Remember to get photos of you with the cheetah babies!

  2. Btw I did a quick search on the internet for Choc Kits... There's a shop in California that sells, and ships, all sorts of South African groceries! (Looks very British, actually...) The actual store is an easy drive from Disneyland, lol!

  3. wait... who said i didn't like beef???? I just don't like hamburgers. CHEESEburgers are fantastic. aaaaaaaaannndd does that store deliver??? Cuz i would TOTALLY order some.
